Thursday, October 18, 2007

K12 Online Conference

I viewed the Cool Tools session this morning. Some of it was a little over my head but I still learned some pretty "cool" stuff. My favorite was Slide Share. This is a place to search and post slide presentations like PowerPoint and tag them for easy sharing. Be careful of copyrights when you post! I used this site today and I found a large number of IB geography slide shows that will be helpful for my students.

I was also fascinated to find out that you can geotag you Flickr photos. This could be fun for students to post pictures of different places, record the coordinates from their GPS, and then tag the photos accordingly.

I hope to view a few more of sessions soon.

1 comment:

Rich Clemens said...

I like the geotag option as well. It is very easy to do I discovered - tagged a photo taken at Riven Rock Park. I think that students could provide a virtual tour for other students from a field trip and pictures they have taken and share it with their friends, etc.