Sunday, November 25, 2007

Technology and Christmas

Saturday's DNR had an article about outsourcing your Christmas cards. Red Stamp is an online service that will take care of your correspondence needs. I think this is sad. Technology is great for many things, and turning over certain responsibilities to others makes good economic sense; however, the purpose of a personal correspondence is -- well-- personal. It would break my heart if my mother had someone else send me a card in her name.

Another tech article related to the Christmas season was that the Wii is the hot item for the year. I have played with my son's and it was fun. I hope this is a sign that parents are helping their children be more active even when playing video games. It is obvious that technology gifts are the trend for the year as many of the Black Friday specials were TVs, DVD players, MP3 players and digital picture frames. It makes me wonder what will the techno gifts be 10 years from now.

1 comment:

Rich Clemens said...

The reference to Red "STAMP" reminded me of a card that we received in the mail with a stamp that was a photo of the senders. (not really on your subject) I discovered that there are multiple web sites that allow you to create your own postage stamp with whatever image you like. So I guess I can have a stamp with my face on it after all... you have to pay a premium price for these stamps though!!! Happy Holidays to you.